Текст песни Villagers - You Lucky One

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[Verse 1]
I can tell by your tone that you're telling the truth
But it doesn't line up with my image of you
Would you mind very much if I added some spice?
Some sugar and cream and all things nice
There's a twist in your tail that doesn't sit right
A spectrum that dulls the black and white
Well, I've bitten my lip, I've held my tongue
But I'm still here, you lucky one

You lucky one

[Verse 2]
Take me back to the start, before the lot
Were you always aware of the gift you've got?
Were you wandering lost outside of the norm?
Am I getting the gist? Am I getting warm?
You're going to have to help me if you want a hand
Well, I'm here for you, but I'm a busy man
So step out of the shade and into the sun
I'm listening, you lucky one

You lucky one

[Verse 3]
You've been off the grid, cutting your teeth
Supposedly composing your masterpiece
If you give good copy then I'll cut you some slack
But you better remember when it all comes back
And you're lying on the corner of Merchant's Quay
Telling the world how it's meant to be
Well, I'll pick you up and I'll take you on
I promise you, you lucky one

You lucky one

[Verse 4]
I can tell by your tone that you're starting to lag
Am I such a bore? Am I such a drag?
I could rip you to shreds, but I'm much too nice
So while you're here, take my advice:
Don't let the truth get in the way
A story is a story and anyway
Your foot's in the door, so give me some
You parasite, you lucky one

You lucky one
(You lucky one)
(You lucky one)
Don't let the truth get in the way
(You lucky one)
Don't let the truth get in the way
(You lucky one)
Don't let the truth get in the way
(You lucky one)
Don't let the truth get in the way
You lucky one
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