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Sensuality cloaked in chic silhouetted by the door
Honey begins to pour from a mouth to be adored
Just a taste and I want more
From your lips to my ears
From your lips to my ears
Heady perfume fills the room radiant smile begins
Shaded eyes never really know what passions lie within
What adventures could begin
You bring me to my knees where I just want to please
Where your sweetness flows like honey
A goddess of my dreams with words that so intrigue
And lips that speak of promise, of promise
The hour is getting late as stars begin to fade
The passing of the time never will erase
The sweetness of the taste of promise, promise, promise
You bring me to my knees where I just want to please
Where your sweetness flows like honey
A goddess of my dreams with words that so intrigue
And lips that speak of promise
Dangerous and wild, can kill you with a smile
Fill your heart with longing
You bring me to my knees where I just want to please
Your sweetness flows like honey, like honey
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