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When thumping beats were all the rage
You'd be stomping across the stage
Now you're wiped off from the page
It wasn't in the plan
Leader of the gang
Now the suits are torn and frayed
And the songs are seldom played
Though they still sound just as great
Leader of the gang
Rock 'n' roll guitar - frantic strumming
Pounding of the beat - manic drumming
Knock you off your feet - place was jumping
When you were the leader of the gang
Yeah yeah
These days it doesn't seem so fun
Thanks to the awful things you done
So, what is life like on the run?
Oh, the depths you sank
Leader of the gang
Rock 'n' roll guitar - frantic strumming
Pounding of the beat - manic drumming
Knock you off your feet - place was jumping
When you were the leader of the gang
Now the glory days are passed
And the legend an outcast
Hear the steel door slamming hard
It's goodbye to the glam
Now there is no band
For the leader of the gang
It wasn't in the plan
And there is no band
It's goodbye to the glam
Goodbye to the glam...
Leader of the gang
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