Здесь вы найдете слова песни The Kooks - How'd You Like That. Наши пользователи находят тексты песен из различных источников в интернете, также добавялют самостоятельно. Вы можете скачать текст песни The Kooks - How'd You Like That и его перевод.
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When I was sleeping, all in my head
sleeping in the dawn of time
and I was lifting, always higher
in the wind in the ever time
do we sing it?
How'd you like that?
How'd you like that?
How'd you like that? x2
I like it
How'd you like that?
How'd you like that?
How'd you like that?
they're listening at
Why did I not try to get right with you
through the universe tonight?
look at the silence, much like your face
and the simphony helps me sing
Do we sing it?
How'd you like that?
How'd you like that?
How'd you like that? x2
I like it
How'd you like that?
How'd you like that?
How'd you like that?
I only just let go
they're listening at
I feel to you, you feel to me (how'd you like that x3)
let's work together
take you out across the seas (how'd you like that x3)
to marry girl
I feel to you, you feel to me (how'd you like that x3)
let's work together
take you out across the seas (how'd you like that x3)
let's work together
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Также принимается перевод песни «How'd You Like That».
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