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Say whatever you want Oh, I could never judge you Be whoever comes into your head Oh, you know I'll take you there You know I'll take you there
'Cause I'm always where I need to be And I always though I would end up with you, eventually Do dodo do do do do...
Say whatever you want Oh, I could never judge you Say whatever comes into your head Oh, oh you know I just don't care You know I just don't care
'Cause I'm always where I need to be Yeah, and I always thought I would end up with you, eventually Do dodo do do do do...
I want mine... I want mine on the sea Oh let me be, let me be I want mine on the sea Let me be, let me be
'Cause I'm always where I, where I need to be I-I-I always, always thought... I would end up with you eventually!
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