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Is it me, is it you Is it the times that we're living through Was it hard when I had to leave That day you seemed to change We all need someone to guide us Someone to introduce the show I needed someone just like you Someone to let me know I could loose it all (Chorus)
Well I began to breakdown Searching overtime Bring me a pigs heart And a glass of wine There was nothing that you could of done There was nothing that you should've said We're both still chasing shadows in our hands It was all to soon
(Second Verse) But is it me, is it you Is it the times that we're going through Was it hard did your heart breakdown Is your mind still in control There is a violence in love Somethings I'll never understand So where the bullets missed you out They hit me and I'm falling down again (Second Chorus)
Well I began to breakdown Searching overtime Bring me a pigs heart And a glass of wine There was nothing that you could of done There was nothing that you should've said I'm still chasing shadows in my head It was all to soon (Outro)
Was it me, was it you Was it the times that we're living through On my way to see you again You were my only friend I know you needed someone to guide you And the world you should've owned I need someone to guide me Someone to let me know I could loose it all
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