Здесь вы найдете слова песни The Kooks - Initials For Gainsbourg. Наши пользователи находят тексты песен из различных источников в интернете, также добавялют самостоятельно. Вы можете скачать текст песни The Kooks - Initials For Gainsbourg и его перевод.
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[Verse 1]
Climbing up to your window
The ladder of life, it moves slow
Singing the melody that you taught me
The apple you gave me rotten to the core
And I don't want your love
But I want your love
And I don't want your love
We don't know where we're going
But we know we got some money saved
All our tear drops exploding
And we're riding a broken wave
Jane is waiting for
Initials for Gainsbourg
Bonnie's at the door
And Clyde's in the back seat
Gangsters hold up the store
With a love song
Now we're going home
Initials for Gainsbourg
Initials for Gainsbourg
Initials for Gainsbourg
[Verse 2]
Did you see that shooting star?
And it's still only daylight
All our dreams in the back of the car
We don't walk between raindrops
But somehow we managed to stay alive
We both know that the penny drops
But we don't know if we will survive
And I don't want your love
But now I want your love
And I don't want your love
We don't know where we're going
But we know we got some money saved
Yes, our hearts are exploding
But we're riding a broken wave
Jane is waiting for
Initials for Gainsbourg
Bonnie's waiting at the door
And Clyde's in the back seat
Gangsters hold up the store
With a love song
Now we're going home
Initials for Gainsbourg
(Now we're going home)
Initials for Gainsbourg
(Now we're going home)
Initials for Gainsbourg
No one knows where we go
Initials for Gainsbourg
No one knows where we go
Initials for Gainsbourg
No one knows
Initials for Gainsbourg
(Now we're going home)
Initials for Gainsbourg
(Initials for Gainsbourg)
(Initials for Gainsbourg)
(Initials for Gainsbourg)
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Также принимается перевод песни «Initials For Gainsbourg».
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