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In their eyes is the place that you finally discovered That you love it here, you've got to stay On the bottom of the rock, an island On which you find you love it when you twitch You feel that itch in you pettycoat Your pretty pretty pettycoat
Then you smiled, he got wild You didn't understand that there's money to be made Beauty is a card that must get played By organisation
And ooh la, she was such a good girl to me And ooh la, the world just chewed her up, and spat her out And ooh la, she was such a good girl to me And ooh la, the world just chewed her up, and spat her out
The world can be a very big place So be yourself don't get out of place Love your man and love him twice Go to Hollywood and pay the price Oh go to Hollywood
And don't be a star, it's such a drag Take care of yourself, don't begin to lag It's a hard life to live, so live it well I'll be your friend and not in pretend I know you girl In all situations
And ooh la, she was such a good girl to me And ooh la, the world just chewed her up, and spat her out And ooh la, she was such a good girl to me And ooh la, the world just chewed her up, and spat her out
And ooh la, she was such a good girl to me And ooh la, the world just chewed her up, and spat her out And ooh la, she was such a good girl to me And ooh la, the world just chewed her up, and spat her out
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