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[Verse 1]
Did you come to see me fall?
Did I disappoint you when I arose?
Guess I thought that I could change you
But I should never listen to my own advice
Give me a chance to reconcile with you
I’ll change my plans and my designs too
The universe was always so kind to me
But I’d like to let go of the weight of the world
(Your under my radar)
Weight of the world
(Your under my radar)
Weight of the world
[Verse 2]
Making plans without you
Feels like I’m marching in the rain
Every man got his weakness
I wanna show you that I can change
Give me a chance to reconcile with you
I’ll change my plans and my designs too
The universe was so often kind to me
But I’d like to let go of the weight of the world
(Under my radar) Weight of the world
(Under my radar) Weight of the world
(Under my radar )
Just trying to get some air
(Under my radar)
Just trying to get through
You’re under my radar
I still hear you sing
I still hear you sing
Still hear you sing
Weight of the world (Under my radar)
Weight of the world (Under my radar)
Weight of the world (Under my radar)
Weight of the world (Under my radar)
Weight of the world
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