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Yes I like stormy weather from my window You ain't, yeah, you ain't so clever You got it all made up
But it feels like love, love, love Oh yes, it feels like touch, touch, touch
I sit around to pass the time I try to get it off my mind And I live in a world oh so small That I can't get around at all
And it feels like love, love, love Oh yes, it feels like touch, touch, touch
What did I say? What did I say? What did I say? Oh, I didn't mean it
What did I do Oh, to hurt you Oh, I didn't mean it Oh, oh, I didn't mean it!
I'm not saying it's all made up It's people there, to comb your hair And I'll think out another song Won't kill that, so beautiful
So it feels like love, love, love Oh yes, it feels like touch, touch, touch
What did I say? What did I say? What did I say? Oh, I didn't mean it
What did I do Oh, to hurt you What did I do? Oh, I didn't mean it Oh, oh, I didn't mean it!
And it feels like love, love, love, Yes, it feels like touch, touch, touch... [x4]
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