Текст песни Within the Ruins - Corruption

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This is my story
Determined to have all the answers
Even if, I make up the questions
Every puzzle, every game
These are my affirmations
Cast out to make my own path
You were supposed to understand

Hail Mary
Hail Mary full of grace
Hail Mary
Your leaders are a disgrace

No! No! No!
What am I, a lie? But you don't know the truth
And if I survive? You think I’m finished
Every end begins again
What am I, a lie? But you don't know the truth
And if I survive? You think I'm finished
Something new is coming

Superior, you’rе all beneath me
Thе truth lies under the mask
Nobody gave me anything
I'll make you understand

Hail Mary
Hail Mary full of grace
Hail Mary
Your leaders are a disgrace

So won't you riddle me this?
What am I, a lie? But you don't know the truth
And if I survive? You think I'm finished
Every end begins again
What am I, a lie? But you don't know the truth
And if I survive? You think I'm finished
Something new is coming


Black and blue, dead all over
Hail! Hail! Hail!
Hail Mary full of grace
Hail! Hail! Hail!

Your leaders are a disgrace
Cruel, poetic, or blind
But when denied
Cruel, poetic, or blind
Violence you may find
Hush... my game my rules
No more lies
For if knowledge is power
Then a god am I
Then a god am I
I am enigma
I am enigma
A god am I

Тексты лучших песен Within the Ruins

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