Текст песни Within the Ruins - The Last Son

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My home destroyed, we had our chance
Alien to some, god to others
Compelled to be a savior to an ungrateful earth
I'll be the monument
Taken away from a dying world
The last of a fallen race
This planet is not my own
I don't belong here, but you are not alone

My home destroyed, we had our chance
Alien to some, god to others
Compelled to be a savior to an ungrateful earth
I'll be the monument

So I accept mankind as my people
Yet they reject me out of fear
Now my existence is sin
Why do they fear, and hate, what they don't understand?
I can be the martyr when I need to be
I bow to no one, you don't control me
I can be the devil in the sky
But I'm not the enemy
I answer to no man
I don't owe you anything

Alien to some, god to others
An ungrateful earth
I'll be the monument
My home destroyed, we had our chance
Alien to some, god to others
Compelled to be a savior to an ungrateful earth
I'll be the monument
Misunderstood symbol of hope

You are not alone
I don't belong here
You are not alone
I don't belong here
You are not alone
I don't belong here

Тексты лучших песен Within the Ruins

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