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Where is the light you speak of The comfort within your words Did it all just pass you by unaware of the consequences Come on and taste the fire The heat will wash upon you You burned away the future I'll burn away the past
Fall into the hands of our saviour To hide it all But my voice will be the last you hear The child most die
Will you forgive me father for sins that I have done Will you believe me father when blood is all around Come on and taste the fire The heat will wash upon you Inject the barrel baby I'll paint you oh so red Now can you lie While suffocating Can this moment rewind
My hand is on your neck I’m taking back what is mine A different shade of blue brings out the best in you
Close your eyes and make believe that this will be the last time that you feel anything Honestly you know that you will not be missed by anyone at all And now the child most die
Fall into the hands of our saviour To hide it all But my voice will be the last you hear The child most die
This will not be forgotten A leap of faith turns into hopelessness This is the last time that I put my trust into your fragile hands Smile for the camera Lets make this moment last a lifetime last a lifetime Smile for the camera Lets make this moment last a lifetime last a lifetime
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