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hold tight, miss cheater! you forgot to wipe the scent of your lover from your cheast i guess i never belived you had it in you. burn the charade. ignite your own fire as the words from your lips ignores all the questions. i know what you're up to, you ignorant slut. you never tasted so shallow. you have death on you lips,
cunt! i always trusted every word you said, you gave me hope for the future so how could i swallow every single spit of syllables from her tainted mouth? when all her words were fucking bollocks!
here's to you and taking the easy way out! we raise our glass this is a toast to all unfaithful ones. with every inch of all our hearts still beating we will sing - goodbye my beautiful. goodbye my beautiful. there's no one who will stand right beside you when all comes to how you're treating your loved ones you're slipping away. can you feel how you're fading?
important to none, you're dust in the wind i put me trust in how the way she smile it gave me strength for the future. but waves are crashing in and we are drowning by the minute. do you have a hand to hold on to? for i have mine. you're fucking dead to me!
and as a heart need it's beating surely yours will stop i know i have said it before but mark my words if shutting you up will be the last thing i ever do, i will wrap the silence around your troath and leave you breathless. i will take every word from a lonely harlots mouth, so pick your words wisely for they will be your last, they will all be your fucking last.
the wind settles in, the clouds are getting closer sound the alarm we are the storm we raise our glass this is a toast to all unfaithful ones. with every inch of all our hearts still beating we will sing - goodbye my beautiful. goodbye my beautiful. all her words were fucking bollocks!
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