Текст песни Alexander Stewart - ​all these years

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[Verse 1]
Honestly, it's like you haven't changed a bit
It could be 2021 right now
We could be lyin' on your parents couch, oh, tell me
What you're up to now
With that job, did you finally quit?
Are you happier in life right now?
Or do you hate the way it all turned out?
Oh, tell me

Baby, I still feel it too
Oh-oh-oh, seein' you here, it's like déjà vu

Won't you kiss me like you did back when you loved me
Won't you hold me like you did on the first night
Won't you tell me you were always thinkin' of me
Yeah, I don't care if we both know that it's a lie
Oh-oh, even after all thеse years
I still wish you werе mine

[Verse 2]
Honestly, you know that I've tried callin' quits
Yeah, I even dated someone else
So much time workin' on myself, now
Yeah, you might've moved on but my heart still beats the same
I was the happiest I ever felt
Now I'm right back in this hell, so

Don't you leave this in the past
Oh-oh-oh, seein' you here, it's all comin' back

Won't you kiss me like you did back when you loved me
Won't you hold me like you did on the first night
Won't you tell me you were always thinkin' of me
Yeah, I don't care if we both know that it's a lie
Oh-oh, even after all these years
I still wish you were mine

Take me back to you and I
Malibu and cheap red wine
That feeling
I miss that feeling, oh
Take me back to winter nights
Cruisin' down the Ocean Drive
That feeling
Oh, God, I need it

Won't you kiss me like you did back when you loved me
Won't you hold me like you did on the first night, oh-oh
Won't you tell me you were always thinkin' of me
I don't care if we both know that it's a lie
Oh-oh, even after all these years
I still wish you were mine

Другие песни Alexander Stewart

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