Текст песни Alexander Stewart - ​said so

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[Verse 1]
I used to take the midnight train to you, mmh
Last stop, you'd be waiting in your car like you always do

Now I'm just a text that you never read
And you're just an ex in someone else's bed
It's not just the sex that I can't forget
It's the way that you left

I'm feeling foolish now that you moved on
You're making him playlists and I'm writing sad songs
You're so fucking ruthless, keeping me clueless
While you let go
Now you're in London and I'm stuck in LA
I shoulda seen it coming, instead of seeing it on your page
You're so fucking ruthless, how could you do this?

It's fine that you let go, but you could've said so
You could've said so
You could've said so
It's fine that you let go

[Verse 2]
How long has this been going on? Mmh
'Cause I've still got your clothes on my floor
With your taste still on my tongue

Now I'm just a text that you never read
And you're just an ex in someone else's bed
It's not just the sex that I can't forget
It's the way that you left

I'm feeling foolish now that you moved on
You're making him playlists and I'm writing sad songs
You're so fucking ruthless, keeping me clueless
While you let go
Now you're in London and I'm stuck in LA
I shoulda seen it coming, instead of seeing it on your page
You're so fucking ruthless, how could you do this?

It's fine that you let go but you could've said so
You could've said so
You could've said so
It's fine that you let go

But you could've said
You met somebody else, I could've handled that
But you put me through hell (Oh-ooh-woah-ooh-oh)
You took the easy road, you couldn't help yourself
I hope you're happy now (Now)

You could've said so
You could've said so
You could've said so
It's fine that you let go

Другие песни Alexander Stewart

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