Текст песни Alexander Stewart - ​blame’s on me

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(The blame is all on me)
(The blame is all on me)
(The blame is all on me)

[Verse 1]
The worst part is you're innocent
In all of this, I was just calling quits
You were giving me all that I could need, I was missing it
Now I'm all alone, going through our old messages
And I'm getting it

Usually I'm the one getting burned
Didn't realize I was hurting you

Oh God, I'm sorry, I put you through hell
You tried to love me when I hated myself
I know it's too late for apologies
For all of the mistakes that I didn't see
The blame's on me

(The blame is all on me)
(The blame is all on me)
(The blame is all on me)

[Verse 2]
Hate this is such a cliché (Such a cliché)
Don't know what, what you have till it's gone away
(Till it's gone away)
But that don't take, take away any pain (Any pain)
I'm still here, sleeping in the bed I made
Next to an empty space

Usually I'm the one getting burned
Didn't realize I was hurting you

Oh God, I'm sorry, I put you through hell
You tried to love me when I hated myself
I know it's too late for apologies
For all of the mistakes that I didn't see
The blame's on me

(The blame is all on me)
(The blame is all on me)
(The blame is all on me)
The blame's on me
(The blame is all on me)
(The blame is all on me)
(The blame is all on me)

Oh God, I'm sorry, hope that you're well
Someone will love you like I couldn't myself

Другие песни Alexander Stewart

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