Текст песни Alexander Stewart - ​reflection

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[Verse 1]
Walking fast
I keep my head down low
So I don't see myself in any store windows

I know nobody else would notice
How hard I'm trying just to cope with
Hiding all of me in plain sight
While I'm dying inside

I'm crawling in my skin
Since I was a kid it's been like this
I don't know what it is
All my bones and all my clothes don't fit
Lost all of my self affection
I've tried it all but nothing's helping
Part of me wonders who I'd be
If I didn't hate my reflection

[Verse 2]
It's like my body keeps throwing punches how it taunts me
Changes and saying it don't want me
Waiting in the mirror for a "sorry"

And no nobody else would notice
How hard I'm trying just to cope with
Hiding all of me in plain sight
While I'm dying inside

I'm crawling in my skin
Since I was a kid it's been like this
I don't know what it is
All my bones and all my clothes don't fit
Lost all of my sеlf affection
I've tried it all but nothing's hеlping
Part of me wonders who I'd be
If I didn't hate my reflection

It's the death of me
The parts I hate are all I see
Will I always be an enemy to me?

I'm crawling in my skin
Since I was a kid it's been like this
I don't know what it is
Why's it like my bones and clothes don't fit?

Другие песни Alexander Stewart

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