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It’s 3 o’clock, and we ask ourselves, "Where are we now?" It seems we’ve wondered out of bounds again! (Over and over, we ask ourselves why we don’t utilize things that are stored deep inside of our brains!) I’m on my own and I can’t see straight! Am I so stoned that I can’t see straight? Man, I’ve got to find my way back home, but I’m too deep inside It’s 4 o’clock, and we ask ourselves, "Where did I go wrong? We passed my house at least an hour ago!" Over and over, we ask ourselves why don’t we utilize things that are stored deep inside of our brains! I’m on my own and I can’t see straight? Am I sooo stoned that I can’t see straight? It’s 5 o’clock, and we ask ourselves, "We need to get home! The sun is creeping overhead again!" I’m way too deep inside to go home... I’ve got to get sane!
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