Текст песни vaultboy -
everything hits me at once
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Uh, hey man, I heard you guys broke up
How ya doing?
[Verse 1]
I moved on, couldn't be better
Happy and light as a feather
Yeah, yeah
We're not together (Okay)
And mostly, I never remember
It's all in the past
When anyone asks, I tell 'em, "It's no big deal"
Not everything lasts, it wasn't that bad
That's probably how she feels (Hmm)
[Verse 2]
I'm gonna forget her
There's always some pain with the pleasure
Yeah, yeah
Plus we ended on good tеrms
So it could work, I won't ever say nevеr
It happened so fast, I'm not really mad
That we couldn't make it work
Not everything lasts, it wasn't that bad
Yeah, I didn't get too hurt
But when I get back to my room and I shut the door
Everything hits me at once
I know that you're not coming back to me
It's not enough
Just knowing this is how it has to be
Then when I'm laying alone in my bed
You play like a broken record in my head
When will it stop?
I know that you're not coming back to me
And it's just how it has to be
[Verse 3]
Well, "Hello," I sent the message
Haven't seen you in a minute
I'm talking with you and everything's changed now
But for some reason nothing is different
It's you I have been missing and I wanna say it
I know it's a bad idea
Yeah, you let me go, I already know
But maybe I need to hear
How you did it, what's your secret?
Was it easy?
Was it harder than trying to make it work?
Was it awful? Did you hate it?
Did you barely have to put in any work?
Was it worth it?
Would you do it again or would you not even consider it at all?
And everything hits me at once
I know that you're not coming back to me
It's not enough
Just knowing this is how it has to be
Then when I'm laying alone in my bed
You play like a broken record in my head
When will it stop?
I know that you're not coming back to me
And it's just how it has to be
(Oh, oh-oh-oh, oh-oh)
And that's just how it has to be
(Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh)
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