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You seem too good, too good to be true You're holding me stronger, stronger than I'm used to
Don't go out with the boys tonight I won't sleep a wink wondering what you're doing Don't go out with the girls tonight I will turn to drink wondering who you're screwing
You seem too good, too good to be true I'm loving you longer, longer than I'm used to
Don't go out with the boys tonight I won't sleep a wink wondering what you're doing Don't go out with the girls tonight I will turn to drink wondering who you're screwing
Tug of war, sweet as sin I let go, I fell in Feel the pull, call your name I'm alone once again
Tug of war, sweet as sin I let go, I fell in Feel the pull, call your name I'm alone once again
You seem too, you seem too good, too good to be true You're holding me stronger, stronger than I'm used to
Don't go out with the boys tonight I won't sleep a wink wondering what you're doing Don't go out with the girls tonight I will turn to drink wondering who you're screwing
Tug of war, sweet as sin I let go, I fell in Feel the pull, call your name I'm alone once again
Tug of war, sweet as sin I let go, I fell in Feel the pull, call your name I'm alone once again
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