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[Verse 1]
I never thought to run away from anything
I was paralyzed
And it's been keepin' me locked up tightly
And I been holdin' my breath to be out again
It wasn't the way they begged
They cried
Took over me
I could never lie
And I been tearin' the house up nightly
I been closin' my eyes
Just hold it in
Hold me down
It holds me down
Hold me down
It holds me down
[Verse 2]
We never try to look the way the others do when we're alone
Am I the shiver you feel in the sunlight?
Does it begin to rеmind you of how it died?
Are we just afraid of what wе know would have to end?
And It's in your eyes
I can see that it's slowly fading
Is this the part of the world we've been livin' in?
Hold me down
It holds me down
Hold me down
It holds me down
Hold me down
It holds me down
Hold me down
It holds me down
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