Текст песни From Indian Lakes - The Flow

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Pull me back down when I stay in the flow
You're making every thought less fleeting
I want to kick it out when I'm alone
I shake it back out when I can't let you go
I never let the smoke stick to me
I clean it in the salt, the undertow

And when you rapture, I'm coming in, let you float a while till you're fading out

Take your lungs out, the air stays in your throat
You're moving up the staircase through me
It's sleeping in my head when I'm alone

And when you rapture, I'm coming in, let you float a while till you're fading out

Pull me back down when I stay in the flow
You're making every thought less fleeting
I want to kick it out when I'm alone
I shake it back out when I can't let you go
I never let the smoke stick to me
I clean it in the salt, the undertow

And when you rapture, I'm coming in, let you float a while till you're fading out

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