Текст песни From Indian Lakes - Spilling Over

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[Verse 1]
I'll go
I miss my only one
And now you're
I can't erase it
These other places
We try to go back
I want you so bad
It's spilling over
Ghost on your shoulder
Words don't belong here
I know we don't care

I'm filling up
Keep filling up and I'm
I'm spilling over
Keep spilling over
I'm filling up
Keep filling up and I'm

[Verse 2]
Holding nothing else
And now you're
I'm turning into
Paper to cut through
Fold into something
To hold you up with
Sunrises I slept
My shade is useless
We stay in full bloom
I try to keep you

I'm filling up
Keep filling up and I'm
I'm spilling over
Keep spilling over
I'm filling up
Keep filling up and I'm
I'm spilling over
Keep spilling over
I'm spilling over
Keep spilling over
I'm filling up
Keep filling up and I'm
I'm spilling over
Keep spilling over
I'm filling up
Keep filling up and I'm
I'm spilling over
Keep spilling over

Тексты лучших песен From Indian Lakes

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