Текст песни From Indian Lakes - Shrine

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[Verse 1]
I roll away
The wind below
It feels like a storm
The way it goes
Pretend to know
The Sun hits the door
And when it hits you, you can never leave
You're a stone lyin' in the shade
I used to think I wanted everything
But I left with the hurricane

Held down by the good times
You want to get home now
I'll be your shadow every night
Wasted on the sweet life
You want to be sung to
I'll be your shrine in another life

[Verse 2]
I heard your sound
Too far to feel
I felt it before
Arms at my side
Too slow to hide
You wait for the Lord

Held down by the good times
You want to get home now
I'll be your shadow every night
Wasted on the sweet life
You want to be sung to
I'll be your shrine in another life

I want to heave in every note
The weight is crushing but I fall asleep
I want to breathe into my soul
The air is too much but it's what I needed

I roll away
The wind below
It feels like a storm
The way it goes
Pretend to know
The Sun hits the door
I heard your sound
Too far to feel
I felt it before
Arms at my side
Too slow to hide
You wait for the Lord

Тексты лучших песен From Indian Lakes

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