Текст песни From Indian Lakes - Keep Me

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[Verse 1]
Lookin' up in your head
I need you to be somethin' that I never had
I wanted to get over the impermanence
It's lookin' like the Sun comin' through your shades

The ceiling is a cloud
We begin to fade
The ceiling is a cloud
We begin to fade

Keep me closer
I'm comin' in
Too far along your eye
We feel older
I'm runnin' outside
I'm on your mind

[Verse 2]
No one here lets you pass
You keep your other body in a bed of glass
You're holdin' up your mouth but it never lasts
I used to bе a shell floatin' in your bay

The water turnin' warm
Seepin' in my brain
Thе water turnin' warm
Seepin' in my brain

Keep me closer
I'm comin' in
Too far along your eye
We feel older
I'm runnin' outside
I'm on your mind
Keep me closer
I'm comin' in
Too far along your eye
We feel older
I'm runnin' outside
I'm on your mind
Keep me closer
I'm comin' in
Too far along your eye
We feel older
I'm runnin' outside
I'm on your mind
Keep me closer
I'm comin' in
Too far along your eye
We feel older

Тексты лучших песен From Indian Lakes

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