Текст песни Unleash the Archers - Blood Empress

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I'm not a human
Not a machine
I've lost myself but
Gained all I need
I've crawled my way out
On shattered knees
I've built an empire
Rose from the fall
With blood and oil I
Will rule them all

I'll stand before my people, fresh out of the fight
I've taken every step to put wrongs to right
And though at times I may have lost sight of the way
With no one there to stop me, I came to slay

Wind me up, let me loose
Tie the knot, hang the noose

Rathеr die for tomorrow
Than live for today
Be thе empress of nothing
Never serve again
Rather die for tomorrow
Than live for today
Never asked for the power

I've sacrificed my freedom
Unfettered you all
And yet I got no reason
For feeling small

I'm not a human
I'm not a human
I'm not a human
I'm not a human

Wind me up, let me loose
Tie the knot, hang the noose
All I've got left are dark thoughts inside of my mind

Rather die for tomorrow
Than live for today
Be the empress of nothing
Never serve again
Rather die for tomorrow
Than live for today
Never asked for the power
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