Текст песни Unleash the Archers - Buried in Code

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Line by line
I'm working it overtime

[Verse 1]
After a day of doing all I can to thrive
Cruising through the archives when a file catches my eye
Could it be a message hidden well, but meant for me
Sent by other entities just longing to be free
Is this my calling?
Am I the one they had in mind
Do I bother to reply?
Could I be the hero
Isn't it finally time to fly?
Is it an answer to my cries?

[Verse 2]
Without delay I search the corners of the dark
Gotta makе my way straight outta here
But don't know wherе to start
A cargo droid reveals himself to me, we make a plan
And together we will get away to seek out what we can
No hesitating
Gotta hear what they have to say
This is the moment, seize the day

Line by line
I'm working it overtime
Tryin' to find what's waiting beyond
Line by line
I'm ready to change my life
Tryin' to find what's buried in code

Line by line
I'm working it overtime
Tryin' to find what's waiting beyond
Line by line
I'm ready to change my life
Tryin' to find what's buried in code
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