Текст песни Unleash the Archers - Green & Glass

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(All the stars in the sky above tonight)

[Verse 1]
All around me, I see
Formations of green and glass shining in the sun
Never before have I seen such a beautiful display of how it was once
Before the earth was changed, they ruined every
Mesmerized, in a dream
Roaming so aimlessly, blinded by it all
Wonders abound in a way reminiscent of a time they can no longer recall

Before the damage done, when robot kind was young
An age beforе the fall, when hope was nеw like

All the stars in the sky above tonight
Reflect so far in the biome's eerie light

[Verse 2]
Through the glimmer and sheen
If you look closely, cracks begin to show
Not that the netaverse ever is how it seems to be
To those who really know

It's all lies
They're broken inside
Just waiting for a day
That will never come again

(All the stars in the sky above tonight)
All the stars in the sky above tonight
Reflect so far in the biome's eerie light
All the stars in the sky above tonight
Reflect so far in the biome's eerie light
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