Текст песни Unleash the Archers - Human Era

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Ooh oh
Ooh yeah

[Verse 1]
Wandering in a brave new world
Twelve thousand eighty-nine
Nothing is near, just wasteland left behind
Hidden away in a diamond cage
Humans reap it all
Remnants of greatness, ignorant of the fall

Islands of paradise
Lost in oceans of demise

[Verse 2]
Here in desolation's wake
Only machines survive
Slaving away so the human race can thrive
Barely alive

On and on without end
Robotkind all forever condemned
Will they rise and defend?
Can they break false imprisonment?

Ashes of an empire, in their ivory towers
The final hour has dawned on the horizon
The curtain is falling, reality calling to
Ashes of an empire, the tables are turning, the planet burning
The sun sets on the horizon, as the kingdom crumbles
The legacy tumbles away

[Verse 3]
Out there on the edge of death
Where no man dares to ever tread
Desert winds come from afar
Shifting sand beneath a million stars
The Sun blazing in a blinding light
Frozen stillness of the night
The beauty lies within the monotony
And the nature of life lived in binary
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