Текст песни Unleash the Archers - Seeking Vengeance

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[Verse 1]
Under a veil of black I come to take my soul back
And show you all how you fall
None will escape I've got no mercy left, your fate is up
It's time you learned, I've returned

[Verse 2]
No more hiding and no point in fighting back
I won't be swayed, your hand is played
All who made me second guess, betrayed me
Won't see light of day, my revenge is underway

Hunting the guilty
Hang them out for all to see
I am seeking vengeance

Who have I become? I know not wherе I've gone to
Only vengеance can repair me now
When the work is done, the world will know my name
At last I can stand proudly on my own

[Verse 3]
Once I adored you, now there's no hope for you
It's far too late all the hate
There was a day when I'd have let you get away
But who I was before, is no more

[Verse 4]
Close your eyes, the end is no surprise
You know what has begun won't be undone
No remorse, your luck has run it's course
I am the falling blade, finally I am repaid

Who have I become? I know not where I've gone to
Only vengeance can repair me now
When the work is done, the world will know my name
At last I can stand proudly on my own
Like a wave of death, I wash over all who stand
In my way there's no redemption now
Reflections of my past, they haunt me, though
I've come to terms with inhumanity
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