Текст песни Intelligent Music Project - Anyway

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[Verse 1]
Any dream, maybe just passing while you sleep
Down that stream, I feel the arrow's in too deep

And it's right here where I stand
I've found my dearest wish is hard to understand
Anyway, I'm simply calling
And just let it echo on

I move along, and indeed, I'm strong
And longing to fight
And here I go, I'm living through pain again
I maybe wrong, I won't wait too long
I'm torn up inside
But sure, I find it hard to scrape along

[Verse 2]
My success is just a journey, not a goal
I possess, just my own outlook through it all

I see it forms my outcomes
My values, principles
The source that it becomes
Configures my own attitude
And through integrity, uniqueness is subdued

Many years of travel is the essence of my route
And I'm sure I'm holding on
Looking for the marvel, through the thick and thin I'm drawn
But my hesitation's gone

Тексты лучших песен Intelligent Music Project

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