Текст песни Intelligent Music Project - Expecting You

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[Verse 1]
I am raising a point right now
Was my love so real?
Does it really bring the truth to me?
Do I get what I feel?

[Verse 2]
What I need is more light than heat
There is so much to heal
Dedication will bring me to my feet
I'm doing this deal

Many fears to handle, or I got to lay low?
Either way, there are so many miles to go

I'm expecting you
And I count each and every minute
Pushing fate like I do
While I'm going through the changes in it

[Verse 3]
See the kids how they listen with their eyes
I give examples to view
It's so much better than talking 'bout your price
No instruction will do

Many times I wonder why there's no one around
Followers are missing (Solid ground), am I on solid ground?

I'm expecting you
And I count each and every minute
Pushing fate like I do
While I'm going through the changes in it

Yet, I make it on my own, through my sham courage lonely
Leaving legacy that's grown from open doors and virtues only?

Тексты лучших песен Intelligent Music Project

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