Текст песни Intelligent Music Project - For You

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Many days are rolling
I've lost my sense of time
I'm living to resist my falling
Up and up I climb

[Verse 1]
I let it slip away, though I tried a thousand visions
My ambition failed, it leaves me no decision
Worry tips the scales
Yet, I feel so fine

Many days are rolling
I've lost my sense of time
I'm living to resist my falling
Up and up I climb

[Verse 2]
Chasing shady dreams, won't give me my rhythm
A surface that makes sense, but underneath's a lie
I tell my truths so loud and clear, but so much dirt is in them
Broken dreams run through
Don't hear what comes by

Many days are rolling
I've lost my sense of time
I'm living to resist my falling
Up and up I climb

I know what I dreamt of could win me the key
The future of all held inside
You know all it takes is the love you find
You've captured the soul of what's right

[Verse 3]
My own judgement counts, crossing many rivers
Losing sight of right makes me false inside
Will our caring save the truth my own pride delivers?
I sense the real me, even in bad times

Many days are rolling
I've lost my sense of time
I'm living to resist my falling
Up and up I climb

Many leaves kept falling round in circles in my life

Тексты лучших песен Intelligent Music Project

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