Текст песни Intelligent Music Project - Believe in Love

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[Verse 1]
Is it all a foolish game
Or a cry I keep well-hidden
Waves caressing purple flames
A dream forbidden?

[Verse 2]
Burning skies of a new day
Мy soul cries out, again with longing
In the fading light of May
I feel the warming

And in an instant I have faith in love anew
And my heart overflows, a blossom sparkling with fresh dew
And out of love's hot embers sparks the truth
That tunes your pulse to a new rhythm

[Verse 3]
And there is something hidden deep
Within my smile and now I feel it
I have made my choice at last
I'll reveal it

[Verse 4]
And beauty is just all I see
In everything and all around me
Filling mе with strong belief
Love is to bе

And out of love's hot embers sparks the truth
It's burning in my heart for you

Тексты лучших песен Intelligent Music Project

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