Текст песни Intelligent Music Project - Shine for You

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[Verse 1]
Whatever the troubles that your life may send your way
Remember that I'll be there to restore your faith

I'll be there
In this prison of darkness
I'll be the guiding light
And I'll shine for you

I won't let you fall
'Cause I will try for you, yeah, cry for you
You won't have to crawl this time
Pushing through the storm
Yeah, I'll defy for you, I'll die for you
You won't have to crawl this time

[Verse 2]
The chaos is leading you to a world where there's no escape
But follow my voice and we'll find a peaceful land

I'll be there
In the prison of darkness
I'll be the guiding light
And I'll shine for you

I won't let you fall
'Cause I will try for you, yeah, cry for you
You won't have to crawl this time
Pushing through the storm
Yeah, I'll defy for you, I'll die for you
You won't have to crawl this time

I will never lose my faith in you
I will never lose my faith in you

I'll be there
In the prison of darkness
I'll be the guiding light
And I'll shine for you

I won't let you fall
'Cause I will try for you, yeah, cry for you
You won't have to crawl this time
Pushing through the storm
Yeah, I'll defy for you, I'll die for you
You won't have to crawl this time
You won't have to crawl this time

Тексты лучших песен Intelligent Music Project

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