Текст песни Intelligent Music Project - Miracles Beyond

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[Verse 1]
Like a guardian angel above me
Whirls of wonder rushing in, keep on floating down that stream
Suddenly, back on my feet, I am falling in too deep
In possession of a world of need

On the way, it's always me
Who outruns myself
It changed my day, set me free, the miracle's in me

I lay, I lay on one side, miracles beyond
What I am and how I got here leads me on

[Verse 2]
What is there to speak of?
I just teach
I won't move a mountain, though, but your feelings while I preach
Learning after knowing all
Is it wisdom that won't do?
Either way, I'm always there for you

Everyday victory is no game for myself
Who I outplay is a mystery
I put them on the shelf

Is it weird now, I feel the rhythm
Of my soul strings and drums and song?
Is it weird now, I feel the rhythm
Of my soul strings and drums and song?

Тексты лучших песен Intelligent Music Project

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