Текст песни Tenille Arts - Dying To Be Pretty

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[Verse 1]
Let's all pretend that no one's gettin' older
Forever young gets younger every day
If beauty's in the eye of the beholder
Maybe my black mascara got in the way
And we can buy (We can buy), we can chase (We can chase)
A bottle of fix-everything-we-hate

We're dyin' to be pretty on a Saturday night
Small town or big city out livin' the lie
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, ain't the fairest of 'em all
Look at mе, look at us, ain't we all just
Dyin' to be pretty? Oh
Wе're dyin' to be pretty, oh-oh-oh

[Verse 2]
We'll compare ourselves until it kills us
While we filter every photo that we take
We try (We try) to erase (To erase)
The years, the lines, and God's mistakes (He didn't make)
It's a game (It's a game) that we play (That we play)
Tryin' to be the best in the worst way

We're dyin' to be pretty on a Saturday night
Small town or big city out livin' the lie
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, ain't the fairest of 'em all
Look at me, look at us, ain't we all just
Dyin' to be pretty? (Dyin' to be pretty) Oh
We're dyin' to be pretty (Dyin' to be pretty, yeah)

Why are we dyin' to be pretty when we already are?
Too big or too skinny, why we tryin' so hard?

Why are we dyin' to be pretty on a Saturday night? (Saturday night)
Small town or big city out livin' the lie (Livin' the lie)
Mirror, mirror on the wall ain't the fairest of 'em all
Look at me, look at us, ain't we all just
Dyin' to be pretty? (Dyin' to be pretty, yeah) Oh
We're dying to be pretty (We're dying to be pretty) oh-oh-oh

We're dyin' to be pretty, yeah

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