Текст песни Tenille Arts - Wonder Woman

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[Verse 1]
I was just looking at you
Shining under this sunroof moon
Parked here while the radio plays
One of those wanna soak-it-in days
It kinda just made me think
It could change in a goodbye blink
Might sound a little cliché, but
I just have to say wherever we go
Or how fast the world can roll
I wanna make sure you know

I'll be your never-have-to-wonder where you stand or where my heart's at
Or where I'm gonna sleep every night
I'll be your by-your-side, ride or die off into the sunset
Baby, you can bet on your life
I'll be your late-night glass of red, the song that's in your head
If there's any doubt in your mind
You got a never-gonna-ever-run, never-have-to-wonder woman
Never-have-to-wonder woman

[Verse 2]
As sure as summer's in June, I'm gonna be next to you
Wrapped in the center of a picket fence
Making you late with a morning kiss
Life comes with a million questions, up in the air this side of heaven
But when it comes to me, don't spend no second guessing

I'll be your never-have-to-wonder where you stand or where my heart's at
Or where I'm gonna sleep every night
I'll be your by-your-side, ride or die off into the sunset
Baby, you can bet on your life
I'll be your late-night glass of red, the song that's in your head
If there's any doubt in your mind
You got a never-gonna-ever-run, never-have-to-wonder woman
A never-have-to-wonder woman

A never-have-to-wonder woman

I'll be your never-have-to-wonder where you stand or where my heart's at
Or where I'm gonna sleep every night
I'll be your by-your-side, ride or die off into the sunset
Baby, you can bet on your life, that I'll be
Your late-night glass of red, the song that's in your head
If there's any doubt in your mind
You got a never-gonna-ever-run, babe, when every day is done
Always be your number one, your never-have-to-wonder woman
Never-have-to-wonder woman

Другие песни Tenille Arts

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