Текст песни Tenille Arts - Mama’s Eyes

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[Verse 1]
I've heard that I’m a spitting image
There's some pictures where I get it
Light brown hair and olive skin
Swear I could be her back then
Crooked smile and sense of humor
Early to parties, kinda late bloomers
Had several people say I'm a little more like her each day
Got a lot in common but there is
One thing I’ve always wanted that I know I didn't get

I wish I had my mama's eyes
Those hazel ones that find silvеr linings
And always see the bigger plan
Sees the woman that I can't
Seem to see looking through minе
Oh, I wish I had my mama's eyes

[Verse 2]
That's why I pick up the phone and call her
She makes every mountain smaller
Says "You're stronger than you think"
While cleaning dishes in the kitchen sink
If I saw things from her point of view
There wouldn't be anything I couldn’t get through

Yeah I wish I had my mama’s eyes
Those hazel ones that find silver linings
And always see the bigger plan
Sees the woman that I can't
Seem to see looking through mine
Oh, I wish I had my mama’s eyes

I hope it's something that I'll grow into
But I'll keep looking through hers ’til I do

Yeah I wish I had my mama's eyes
Those hazel ones that find silver linings
And always see the bigger plan
Sees the woman that I can't
Seem to see looking through mine
Oh, I wish I had my mama's eyes
I wish I had my mama's eyes

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