Текст песни Tenille Arts - Summer Don’t Go

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[Verse 1]
He's a Ray-Ban, red bandana wrapped up in the middle of my kiss
I'm ferris wheel spinnin', here thinkin' the tequila never hit like this

We're fallin' deeper than the ocean
In the boardwalk glow
Got me beggin' and hopin'

Summer, don't go, summer, don't go
I don't ever wanna lose this spark
Leave the sun in the sky and the heat on high
Keep his '87 Chevy in park
Could you stop time in July?
I'd give anything to stay in his arms
No, summer, don't go, summer, don't go
Summer, don't go breakin' my heart

[Verse 2]
Don't let time slip away whеn I just got a taste of bein' his girl
Like a countdown hеll, September might as well be the end of the world

So, summer, don't go, summer, don't go
I don't ever wanna lose this spark
Leave the sun in the sky and the heat on high
Keep his '87 Chevy in park
Could you stop time in July?
I'd give anything to stay in his arms
No, summer, don't go, summer, don't go
Summer, don't go breakin' my heart


Take the sand out the hourglass
Make our backseat promise last
If you gotta take him, don't take him fast

Summer, don't go, summer, don't go
I don't ever wanna lose this spark
Leave the sun in the sky and the heat on high
Keep his '87 Chevy in park
Could you stop time in July?
I'd give anything to stay in his arms
No, summer, don't go, summer, don't go
Summer, don't go breakin' my heart
No, summer, don't go, summer, don't go
Summer, don't go breakin' my heart

Другие песни Tenille Arts

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