Текст песни Tenille Arts - Want Her Back

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[Verse 1]
Could drink us under a bar stool
Never not down to paint another coat on this town
You're already so cool
Like an old school record, you could make the world go 'round
But now, he pulled the string on under your light
In your eyes, and I miss that smile

He took the life of the party
When you just wanted to dance with somebody
Yeah, he got you breakin' up with all your best friends
Thought I liked him, now I'm second guessin'
You were a good time waitin' to happen
Shouldn't be cryin' alone in the bathroom, 'cause
He took thе life of the party
And I just want her back, want hеr back, want her back
I just want her back, want her back

[Verse 2]
You tell me he doesn't trust you
Blowin' up your phone, wonderin' when you're comin' home
Yeah, if he really loved you
I promise you he'd wanna see you shinin' on a Friday night like I do
Hey, I'm just tryna be a good friend
I just wanna see that girl again, 'cause

He took the life of the party
When you just wanted to dance with somebody
Yeah, he got you breakin' up with all your best friends
Thought I liked him, now I'm second guessin'
You were a good time waitin' to happen
Shouldn't be cryin' alone in the bathroom, 'cause
He took the life of the party
And I just want her back, want her back, want her back
Mm, I just want her back, want her back

I wanna turn back on that neon light in her eyes
'Cause I miss that smile

He took the life of the party
When you just wanted to dance with somebody
Yeah, he got you breakin' up with all your best friends
Thought I liked him, now I'm second guessin'
You were a good time waitin' to happen
Shouldn't be cryin' alone in the bathroom, 'cause
He took the life of the party
And I just want her back, want her back, want her back

Другие песни Tenille Arts

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