Текст песни Tenille Arts - So Do I

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[Verse 1]
Lyin' on the floor and to everybody else
Dyin' to ignore the whiskey on the shelf

Tryin' to get up, can't get unstuck
Can't be the only one, tell me I'm not alone

Do you feel like you wanna cry?
Do you feel like you wanna hide?
Do you feel like the whole world's waitin' for you to get it right?
Do you feel like you wanna scream?
But you can't 'cause you can't breathe
Do you feel like you're the only one who knows what this feels like?
So do I

[Verse 2]
Has it been a day or has it been a week?
Maybe nothing's wrong or maybe something's wrong with me

Someone just say, I'll be okay
Can't be the only one, tell me I'm not alone

Do you feel like you wanna cry?
Do you feel like you wanna hide?
Do you feel like the whole world's waitin' for you to get it right?
Do you feel like you wanna scream?
But you can't 'cause you can't breathe
Do you feel like you're the only one who knows what this feels like?
'Cause so do I
So do I
So do I

Is anybody out there or am I just talkin' to the ceilin'?
Is anyone feelin' what I'm feelin'?

Like I wanna cry
Like I wanna hide
Do you feel like the whole world's waitin' for you to get it right?
Do you feel like you wanna scream?
But you can't 'cause you can't breathe
Do you feel like you're the only one who knows what this feels like?
So do I
So do I
So do I
So do I

Другие песни Tenille Arts

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